Reorganized at short notice - the 2020 Nursing Congress completely virtual!
The German Nursing Congress (German name: Care Day) took place for the first time in 2014 and is the only national event organized directly by health care professionals for health care professionals.
In the six years of its existence, the German Nursing Congress has grown into the central event for health care professionals in Germany with great media and political attention.
In March 2020, the 7th German Care Day was supposed to take place as usual as a regular event at the STATION Berlin (Gleisdreieck) and was already fully planned at the beginning of the year. More than 2,000 participants were already registered.
In view of the growing tension in the wake of the global corona pandemic and the looming lockdown in Germany, it was decided to postpone the German Nursing Congress to November 2020 and organize it as a hybrid event.
In October, the accommodation ban was executed, followed by another lockdown starting at the beginning of November, which meant that the German Nursing Congress had to be reorganized again, this time as an online event with speakers and chairs on site - almost four weeks before the planned congress date.
All those involved were now faced with the great challenge of converting the German Care Day into a purely online event. What had to be done in the short remaining time?
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Angela Guillemet
Executive Director of INCON
T: +353 86 311 40 67