Posts in 1-10

Successful Conference Marketing

By Robin Lockerman
President Asia Pacific and Chief Executive Officer
MCI Group

Planning and delivering a conference involves many thousands of person hours but even the most impeccably organised event can fail to achieve the anticipated numbers of fee paying delegates. Inevitably this reflects a weakness in the area of event promotion.

How can this be addressed and what are the key elements in successful conference marketing?…

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Leveraging the PCO – Supplier Relationship

By Emma Aru
President and Founder
ega professional conference organisers

How can a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) develop long term relationships with conference and event suppliers? How do suppliers react to changes in the economic climate? What are the key challenges a PCO faces with supplier contracts? How can PCOs and suppliers successfully align themselves to achieve meaningful benefits for the client?…

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Leveraging IT in the Meeting and Convention Industry

By Bannie Kim
President & CEO

Across the world today, ubiquitous and digital information based technologies are becoming an increasing part of our lives. As their application becomes more widespread across society in general, so too does their impact on the meeting industry. Harnessing the latest in cutting edge technology has improved efficiency in conference administration including registration processes and session room operation, often with cost effective and environmentally friendly implications.…

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Working with clients and managing their expectations

By Edwina Stevens and Joanne Tovey
Project Managers

Establishing strong relationships with clients is key for a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) to achieve success and the Project Manager is the face of the PCO.

It is crucial in the initial stage for the Project Manager to receive a thorough briefing on the background of the client event in the handover from the sales team. The first meeting agenda should allow for discussion of the financial and non-financial objectives, marketing and sponsorship targets and the delegate profile…

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How to develop successful web marketing campaigns

By Anastasia Vatsika
Managing Director
AC&C International S.A

In-depth knowledge and understanding of a congress market is key to developing a successful marketing strategy. Defining the key target audience, monitoring competition and setting clear objectives will always be the first step. As competition in the marketplace intensifies, communicating your message to this target audience can no longer be taken for granted. The “Information Boom” has seen a dramatic growth in the use of web campaigns and social networks as a low-cost, far-reaching alternative to the traditional marketing campaign…

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Creating a high quality Scientific Programme

By Roslyn McLeod
Managing Director

The key to developing a high quality scientific programme comes with forward planning and in-depth knowledge/expertise of the industry. This can be done in different ways but the most common would be via a scientific program committee who are a compilation of international experts or a local appointed from the host country or nearby region or in some cases a retained expert paid to research and capture the most up to date science…

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Delivering your bottom line – optimising budget and expense control by partnering with a PCO

By Robin Lockerman
President Asia Pacific and Chief Executive Officer
MCI Group

As the world moves into a cycle of economic uncertainty, issues around budget and expense control will increasingly concern Associations and Conference Organising Committees. And rightly so – most Associations are “not-for-profit” entities and do not necessarily possess the “war chest” of financial resources that many commercial entities typically retain to sustain them in times of economic downturn. However, help is at hand – this is the specific area where a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) can perhaps contribute most value, despite the perception that engaging such services actually adds to the bottom line!...

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Creating high quality Social Programmes

By Bob Guy
Regional Managing Director
Pacific World

A high quality social programme is the result of much planning and input from the DMC / Events department of the PCO and the Organising Committee (OC). An understanding of both the conference destination and local culture combined with an insight into likely delegate preferences will play a seminal role in guaranteeing the success of this vital aspect of the overall conference. The OC

provides a vital insight into the demographics and likes and dislikes of the delegates and often the history of the social program at previous conferences. The DMC / Special Events Manager brings the expertise and logistical management that provide the seamless organisation with particular attention to the hundreds of details that make it seem like an easy task...

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Driving-Up Conference Revenues

By Roslyn McLeod
Managing Director

Driving-up conference revenues is ’must do for a PCO’ in today’s environment where the bottom line is continually scrutinised and conference budgets examined.

A conference can maximise its potential receipts / earnings capacity, by aligning itself with other organisations / products / associations keen to ‘buy-into’ the themes and opportunities that a specific conference offers. A key priority for a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) is to accrue maximum conference revenues through sponsorship, exhibitions sales and delegate promotions…

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How to select a winning destination for your International event

By Inge Hanser
Managing Director

Choosing the right destination is the basis of a successful event as it provides the platform upon which congress and meeting goals and objectives can be built. Selecting the right destination means identifying a geographic region that is appealing, accessible and affordable as this “trio” will, ultimately, drive delegate numbers...

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